Friday 18 April 2014

Combination of Mushrooms and Magic Truffles

Combination of Mushrooms and Magic Truffles

Well, I was pleasantly surprised at the subtle difference between these Magic truffles (which I never knew of before) and the Mexican mushrooms I purchased previously.

They added that special "something" to the trip when I combined half a bag (@7 grams) to my dose of mushrooms!!

If anybody out there is looking for a full on tripping experience, I recommend this little cocktail along with ambient sounds and fractal videos.

I lost count of the times I felt myself getting sucked back into my body after the trip took hold. The combination of the mushies, truffles, music and fractals sent me places I didn't know existed!!

For more reviews -

Monday 7 April 2014

Atlantis Magic Truffles Experience

Experience with Atlantis Magic Truffles

I took 15 grams straight after 4 hours with no food. After 30 minutes I started feeling the effects and 15 minutes later the visuals started. Great trip and very power but I was all the time under control. It really gives you the "ecstasy" sensation plus strong visual especially if you are in a park, I took them alone i recommend take Atlantis Magic Truffles with someone else because it'll be more fun.

I repeated the week after and wasn't the same experience, was more "cool down". Anyways both trips were 4 to 5 hours with visuals but i recommend take them every 2 weeks because for me the first trip was better.